Table document download from the internet


I have a question and would like opinions on how to proceed.
I have a table for downloading documents, I need to download it by clicking on the printer in the “Declaração” column Only of the “Declaração Original” icon.

When I have the “Declaração Retificadora” option, I skip the “Declaração Original” and download only the “Declaração retificadora”, how do I proceed?

the download is already being done using the count + 1 option. The question is about how to differentiate when I have the “Retificadora”

Remembering that I have blocks within the same table, which correspond to the months of the year, each block a month and within each block of the month I can have an “Declaração Original” or “Declaração Orinal” and “Declaração Retificadora”

The way I found it is if the get text is equal to “Declaração Retificadora” it will exclude the file from the “original” keeping only the other one

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