System exception ref


How do I handle if I get a system application on get transaction state ?
Scenario :
I have to get the data and add to queue in retrieve data state of Ref. Now if while getting data any error happens I need to stop the flow by going to end state

How do I handle this ? The flow is going to end state but the reason is showing as no data .

Thank you

There will be system exception flag and this flag condition u can declare in the transition
Inside each transition there will be conditions which will lead to next state
So there add this system exception flag if it’s true it should go to end state


by default in ref if you see the catch block of get transaction data it would set the transactionitem to nothing that isnwhen error also it si set to nothing and in transition to end process we check if transactionitem is nothing then go to end process adn during that time no data is logged

either use one more transition for error

or what kind of error are you getting? try to handle as ideally there shoudl not eb any error there

if it is failign on getting queue data then first check if it is orchestrator connectivity issue then use retry scope around it that should fix else make sure queue is available and robot has roles to retreive



What I have done is ,

My get transaction data has ,

  1. Get data from the application , and add to the queue. If any exception while doing this captured it as system exception and given a transition to end state .
  2. I have the get data from queue as per the reframework . Now here if no data this goes to end state .
    In my if during step 1 it’s going to end state but not because of system exception but the reason is showing as no data, which is the transition after getting the queue item

Captured the exception while getting data

The try has an application getting opened and populating the queue. The catch has the exception assigned as system exception and and bool var set as true.

If system exception =true I want to go end state. I don’t want to set the state in the queue , just need to go to end state and end the flow

Currently ref has if no data going to end state.

pls see the transitions


create one more transition from get transaction to end then give the vconditon of your bool variable there


Have done that but it’s taking the no data transition . Not the system exception


thats because the transactionitem is set to nothing…the order of those conditions is also important…move this condition of system exception first

or add one more condition in the first one transactionitem is nothing and systemexception is Nothing

Also I dont see any of your system exception transition or condition in above screenshot


I have never modified the ref , this is the first time , so not sure if I am doing the right way


please give this in the no data transition

transactionitem is nothing and systemexception is Nothing

and then this in system exception transition

systemexception isNot Nothing


This worked , thank you :blush:

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