I’m writing a query on an assign activity with the following syntaxis: dtData.Select(“GRA =‘F25320001’ AND Balance > 0 AND Receiving =’ Confirmed ’ AND [Offsetting Entity] NOT IN (‘LD10469’,‘LD10577’,‘LD10588’)”).CopyToDataTable
And the result is correct.
My challenge begins when I created a variable vQuery as String with the dynamic values “‘LD10469’,‘LD10577’,‘LD10588’”
The Not In Query is now wrote as the following: dtData.Select(“GRA =‘F25320001’ AND Balance > 0 AND Receiving =’ Confirmed ’ AND [Offsetting Entity] NOT IN ('”+vQuery+“')”).CopyToDataTable
The application is showing the error: Missing operand after ‘LD10469’ operator.
I have tried with different variations but I’m not able to replicate the correct syntaxis, any advice is welcome.