Suggestions for UIExplorer


Hello UiPath Developer Team,
today I worked with the UIExplorer and I have a few tiny suggestions:

1 - The UIExplorer ignores the language settings from the Studio. My Studio language is English but the UIExplorer is shown in the language of my operating system, in German.

My suggestion is that UIExplorer consider the language settings of the Studio.

Additional hint: I read this interesting post from @Yoichi, but unfortunately suspends UIExplorer its work and an error occurs.



WERMetadata.xml (3.7 KB)

2 - Sorting of the window process hierarchy tree in alphabetical order.


3 - Collection of the window processes with the same name in one node, e.g. explorer.exe.


Thanks for all your support and effort.

Best regards

Hi @StefanSchnell,
Thank you :slight_smile: I will provide your ideas to our tracker for devs to consider.

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