Hello. I would like to inquire whether the recommended UiPath VM specifications for hosting an unattended bot are sufficient to handle AP invoice processing with 4000 transactions per month, as well as a General Ledger process with approximately 3500 transactions per month.
Is there a way or method to calculate the specifications of the VM based on the transactional volume?
If your VM has the below recommended configuration then it is good to proceed.
2 x 1.8GHz 64-bit (x64)
4 x 2.4GHz 64-bit (x64)
4 GB
8 GB
Disk Space
3.5 GB for new installations, 5 GB for upgrades (including temporary files required during installation)
It is not only about the transaction volume, actually you need to calculate it based on the Transaction time and target application performance as well. It should not consume more memory.
As soon as the VM is provisioned, it allocates these resources and can be used by the VM. If you’re working off a VM image, check if it’s possible to have the UiPath web browser plugins already installed to save time setting up the VM if your Processes use web scraping.
When designing the Process, make an effort to close all unused files and apps each time the process is run. This will optimize the use of resources and should withstand the requirements you initially listed. Use the REFramework for this (Initialize State has a an area where you can ‘clear the slate’ so to speak) and you should be good.