Thread purpose: An open forum for discussing ideas, issues or improvement suggestions relating to Working with Folders in StudioX
I keep getting a message for “Move file: the given paths format is not supporter”.
I followed along with the guide so I’m not sure what to do.
(StudioX is my first journey into any sort of programming)
Hi Marti! Can you please share a screenshot of the move file activity?
How is the TO on the move file ends?.. not able to see from the picture. Try please …dir\filename.extension
Just add after the entire expresion the extension like .txt or .doc or .xlsx or whatever you are working with
Can you put the contents of the “From” and “To” in message boxes or use a “Write Line” before the “Move File” activity and share that the values are?
Just started over and got it working. Thanks for everyone’s input!
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