StudioX counting rows in excel

How to do this:

I would like to filter my excel by the word “completed”. - I know how.

I would like to count all rows that contain “completed” - I don’t know how

and then IF row containing completed = 0 then nothing - I know how.
else: then action

How to do the second part?>

Could it be an option for you to use the Read Range activity, setting the property “Visible rows only” to true, and then using the RowCount property of the DataTable to count the filtered records?

Hello Irene,

I’m getting this error, do you know why that might be?

On the right side of your condition, just write the number 1.

For example:

YouExcelFile.Sheet("Packs NEW").RowCount >= 1

I don’t think this is what I want to do.

I need to count rows that contain a certain word.

If I use what you said then it will count all the rows in the sheet? I need to count only the ones that show after I use filter.

Then you have to:

  • Apply your filter (Filter activity, which corresponds to the step n.1 in your post)
  • Read the data table (Read Range activity, keeping “Visible rows only” as TRUE)
  • Use the if condition to check the rowcount (step n.3 in your post)

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