Structure Data from Screen Scrapping

Need help with structuring the data.
I am doing screen scrapping and am getting unstructured data
Here is the sample image

The first row indicates the column headers and the second row is the actual data
Here you can see :
The red color is the first column and its data
The yellow color is the second column and its data and so on…
I just need the column green and its data

in such a case an initial analysis will look for following:

  • is a reliable column seperator available
  • are key indicators to the value available

for first I dont see a clear seperator on the first look
for second I do see that the Value is the only one in Capital (Upper Letter)

so if we can rely on this indicator then Regex will help us.
have acheck on the rest of data

And always important: if sreensrapping can be replaced with something more precise then this alternate is always welcome. Maybe you can tell some more words about your scenario (what is to do etc)

Use Anchor Base Activity…

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Can you share sample of the raw text from the image?

Data is from desktop application, so data scrapping wont work and i need to get that column “Bl Tkpr” value .The value will always in Upper Letter and it size is not fixed

Could you help me with Regex? as i see there is no such pattern

From same application there is export data to clipboard, but clipboard too contains same kind of data. Above image is from the same

Like I have a screen where its scroll able and i would like to get data from whole screen, i tried anchor base it didn’t work

regex development could start with following:

use Match activity

About not working Data Scrapping. Sometimes other techniques like get text and changing index or find children can be used. Maybe you share a screenshot with us. Also test if selectors to the different cells /coll can be found with uiexplorer

I cannot share a screenshot of application, i don’t think so regex would be useful, because there are other similar data.

Does screen scrapping work for scroll able screen?

So for now i have an option to export data to clipboard, so am getting data from clipboard but that is also unstructured. I have shared a sample text

Is it always 6 characters long?

No, it may be 5 or 6(max) characters and includes numbers also

To keep this process simple, I have extracted data to text file(Bill Name) and now i want to compare(Bill Name) with data in excel sheet. If Bill Name matches then write data to new excel file or text file or datatable
sample text data:
P num Session Company Description Bill Name
123 789 ABCD Any body can do XYZPQR
111 012 DFHH Deal Descrption QWERTY
110 152 CCHH National Description YUIOP
189 172 CCHH Nat Description ACCT01

and here is sample excel data: