Strip out certain data from a string

Hi Mahesh, Can you let me know how do I read that List A ({“EUR”,“INR”,“SGD”,“MYR”,“ROL”}.ToList()) from an excel sheet? Because it’s really lots.


First Enter your Country name and Currency in two columns of an excel sheet,
Then use read range activity to read the excel sheet, check the add headers property. and store it in a datatable variable dta

List A=(From p in dta.Select()
Select Convert.ToString(p.Item(“Currency_Name”))).ToList()

Now List A will contain the Currencies.
Replace Currency_Name with Currency Column Name


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Perfect, what does is “p” stored in?

“p” → data row Alice name no need to declare anything.

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No need to store P that acts as each row.


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You’re brilliant, it works :slight_smile: