String Operation before and after "-"

I have a files in folder with names like XYZ Pty Ltd-Account Transactions, Mapping- XYZ Pty Ltd. I just need the XYZ Pty Ltd. can anyone help me with the string operation to be performed.

Try to use split functionality with - as a delimiter

Could you please give me the full format i am new to UIPATH.
I am using row.item(“FileName”).ToString.split(“-”)(0).Trim but it is not working properly

row(“FileName”) = “XYZ Pty Ltd-Account Transactions”

str_output = Split(row(“FileName”).ToString.”-“)(0).ToString

Cheers @Ankita_Biswas_SDC_Ko

Try like this row.item(“FileName”).toString.split(“_”.Tochraterarray)(0)


I think the file name may have the XYZ as a prefix or suffix, is my understanding correct?

XYZ Pty Ltd is the company name that i need to extract

It is not working it is extracting the entire filename.

strFileName = “XYZ Pty Ltd-Account Transactions”
Then try to use regex.match(strFileName,“XYZ Pty Ltd”).value try like this if your file name contains this then it will return that value.

Is this one string or two string combined
Cheers @Ankita_Biswas_SDC_Ko

It is one string . I am not sure if i am clear or not. There are many company files in a single folder. For each company there are three corresponding files. I just need the company names.

  1. XYZ pty ltd-account transactions, XYZ pty ltd-general Ledger, mapping- XYZ pty Ltd
  2. ABC pty ltd-account transactions, abc pty ltd-general Ledger, mapping- abc pty Ltd
    I just need the names of the companies


Can you share your excel file with data sample

Sorry due to company policy i cannot share it. Is the problem not clear yet?
There are many company files in a single folder. For each company there are three corresponding files. I just need the company names.

  1. XYZ pty ltd-account transactions, XYZ pty ltd-general Ledger, mapping- XYZ pty Ltd
  2. ABC pty ltd-account transactions, abc pty ltd-general Ledger, mapping- abc pty Ltd
    I just need the names of the companies

May I know what was the output that you were getting for this expression
Kindly place this str_output variable in a WRITE LINE activity so that we can see the output in the output panel, pls share that screenshot

Cheers @Ankita_Biswas_SDC_Ko

Getting validation error in this one

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Then You can use split operations say
str_output = row(“FileName”).ToString.split("-"c)(0).ToString
Then Check
If str_output.contains(“LTD”) OR str_output.contains(“ltd”) or str_output.contains(“Ltd”)
then nothing else
str_output = row(“FileName”).ToString.split("-"c)(1).ToString

It will work if your data has LTD all the time

Is all companies name contains LTD?


Check this one, it will return all the company names in a string array.

Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\Documents").[Select](Function(x) Path.GetFileName(x).Split("-"c)(0)).ToArray()

Aah i got it
It’s a typo mistake buddy
str_output = Split(row(“FileName”).ToString,”-“)(0).ToString

This would work for sure

Cheers @Ankita_Biswas_SDC_Ko

It is not working for the file name starting with “Mapping”. working for the other files

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