And I am able to loop through each of the FOUR string element.
All I want is to extract the values in the following variable as follows:-
For FILE 1
A = ‘200318’
B = ‘C15000’
D = ‘(that Chinese name after ‘ORDP’)’
Similarly, want to get the values for variables A, B, C and D. **Note:- Please note that there are some variations in the number of lines, and some words. I just want to make sure we are able to get exact details.
Thats a good question! Also its still in the discussion, but for the time being, lets assume its gonna be the same.
Also, in this case, as you can see in “2003180318C15000,00NTRFNONREF //CNF18030KI74UIPS”
A = first 6 chars.
B = characters between “C” and “,” → which means, in above case, its gonna be “15000”.
C = characters between"," and “//” → which means, in the above case, its gonna be “00NTRFNONREF”
D = next line from “:86:/OR/CNF18030KI74UIPS/ORDP/张家港市亨昌焊材有限公司” , its gonna be the chinese name.
In a nut shell, as a whole, all i want is to find the way to extract the text between above given conditions. I know the way to break down the strings as a split function using string array, but as you can see, its gonna be a tough job to break them again and again to finally get the required text.
Hence, do we have another way to get it done within few steps?
@hacky I feel you have answered the Questions by yourself , I’ll try to generate the xaml file for the same. You can Try as well with what you have Suggested to me.