String manipulation after get text action



Hey at all,

i have used get text Action to filter a specific text out of a PDF. All the PDFs have the same layout and i only would like to get the red framed number as you can see in the picures.

I store the Output of the get text Action in a value. Now i have the Problem that i don’t know how to manipulate this string, so that i only get the specific number.

Hope you guys having some ideas.
Thanks a lot.

@tobschroer Split ur variable with respect to space(" "). Below command give u required output.

String var=Split(UrStringVariable," ")(1)

Thanks @Manjuts90,

i will try. Where i have to type this in?
Sorry, i’m a totally beginner.

@tobschroer use below activity show in pic.


Create a new string variable in variable section. Use it on left side of assign activity.

On right side type Split(UrStringVariable," ")(1)

Thanks @Manjuts90

I think something is still wrong.

@tobschroer Instead of Urstringvariable give the variable name which u have given to output of gettext activity. If your not assigned any variable to output of gettext activity. Create a new string variable and assign that variable to output of gettext activity, use that variable in place of Urstringvariable

i have got it :slight_smile:

thanks a lot @Manjuts90

@tobschroer if u got answer close the thread by marking it as solution.

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sorry @Manjuts90,

just another quick question. I want to use this stored number and use it with the Basic recording, type Action. So how can i use my new variable therefore?

Thanks a lot

@tobschroer u want use the final variable inside recording. Do recording normally. After recording replace what u have typed in type into activity with ur variable.

Perfect, thanks.

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3021025.pdf (146.3 KB)
i need to get data from pdf
2.QUANTITY (DIGITS)(1,000.000)
i used get text activity but i cant scrap it
so please i need a help
How to get those data

@123 Please find the attachment for the solution xaml file.

pdf------.xaml (18.2 KB)

Tq manjuts for your help

BUT when i copied it and saved in main flow it is showing error
error:Disallow implicit conversation from string to char

Actually i sent u pdf there are no of pdf will be come from share point we need to get some data from it and we need to populate in excel form Template.xlsx (15.4 KB)
3021025.pdf (146.3 KB)

@123 what data u need other than date and Quantity. My workflow will work if all pdf’s are in same format, Otherwise it wont work

issued by silo owner
in respect of silo
on top corner certificate number(3021025)
in product description
if there is “X”

@123 try on ur own, Check the process what i did in file. If u got any doubt, let me know i will help you.

I did it i will send u the flow Main.xaml (8