How to Collect Netsh Log Files When Troubleshooting Network Issues for UiPath Support
In certain scenarios, when troubleshooting network problems, it may be essential to gather Netsh logs. This is particularly true when a server prohibits the installation of other data collection methods or when a large volume of information is required from a server or client machine simultaneously. It's important to note that network-related issues fall outside the purview of UiPath Technical Support. Therefore, it's always advisable to involve the user's network team to leverage their expertise. However, under specific circumstances, it might be necessary to collect network traces and submit them to UiPath Technical Support. Netsh logs can be beneficial in these situations as they provide TCP-level captures, firewall information, and system specifications.
- Start the Command Prompt as an Administrator: Press the `Windows key + X` and select `Command Prompt (Admin)` from the menu. (Terminal (Admin) if on Windows 11)
- Start the Network Trace Capture: Type the following command in the command prompt and press Enter.
- netsh trace start persistent=yes capture=yes
- This command will start the network trace capture.
- netsh trace start persistent=yes capture=yes
- Reproduce the issue.
- Stop the Network Trace Capture: Once you have reproduced the issue you can stop the capture by typing the following command in the command prompt and pressing Enter.
- netsh trace stop
- This command will stop the network trace capture.
- netsh trace stop
After the capture is stopped, netsh will output two files ( and NetTrace.etl).. The file locations will be written to the command window.
Please note that starting a packet capture will reset all active connections. If you want to capture packets during startup, you can use the persistent=yes switch. When persistent=yes is specified, the capture runs even after a reboot and is only stopped with `netsh trace stop'.
- netsh trace start capture=yes persistent=yes
By default, the maximum capture size is 512MB, and after the max size is reached, netsh trace will overwrite the capture starting at the beginning (circular). To specify a larger maximum capture size, use the maxSize=xxxx flag. The size is specified in MB. UiPath's Collaboration Space on the Customer Portal will accommodate files up to 250MB. Use 7-zip to split the file into smaller files.
- netsh trace start capture=yes maxSize=2048
Event tracing data is accumulated in the ETL file, which can be examined using utilities like Network Monitor. By default, the ETL file is named nettrace.etl. However, you can designate a different name by appending tracefile=filename.etl when initiating the trace.
- netsh trace start capture=yes persistent=yes tracefile=C:\temp\nettrace-boot.etl