startJobParameters Must not be null

Hi All,

I am trying to start a job using http activity and passing the below parameters to the body

“Strategy”: “All”,


{“message”:“startJobParameters must not be null”,“errorCode”:0,“resourceIds”:null}

Can you please help me?

Thanks in advance

Hey @Sanjit_Pal

Please remove the RobotID and InputArguments from the request body.


Hey @Nithinkrishna,

Initially I tried with only releaseKey and Strategy but same issue.

Input arguments are required for the process


Hi @Sanjit_Pal ,

Could you try with the below Parameters only, assuming you’re using the Modern Folder.

"Strategy": "ModernJobsCount",

Source :


I am using the classic folder uipath version 2020.10

Then it should be filled with proper values.

Still same issue

I tried this way also, no luck :pensive:

Hey @Sanjit_Pal

Strategy is specific so you should pass the Robot IDs or make it Jobs Count & pass the count value as well.


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