Start Process Failing With Error As Action Failed To Execute As Expected

Why process fails with "Action failed to execute as expected" error?

The error "Action failed to execute as expected" is thrown by the Retry scope when the "Retry" scope is executed multiple times and still the activities in the Retry scope did not execute successfully.

Root Cause: The activities in the Retry scope did not execute successfully.

This means that any of the activities in the Retry scope is throwing the error. Implement the logging in the workflow to pinpoint the activity that is throwing the error.

  • Set the logging level to "Verbose" in the Robot tray. Let the workflow fail. Check the Execution.log file for the activity that is failing
  • Along with Logging, capture the Screenshot of the state of the screen (Take Screenshot + Save Image activity) once it reports the exception.
  • Also, describe in brief, what automation has been implemented in the Retry scope.

Ideally, such scenarios occur when unexpected windows pops come on the RDP / Server screens while the Robot is performing the automation module implemented within the scope. If such similar scenarios are observed, fix the pop up related issues in the server or any unwanted pop-ups.