Splitting the words

How to split the single string from the one single line and it’s prasent both text and words

Ex= 8903 i am an RPA Developer
I just need only the Developer from it
I tried this regex =[A-Za-z\s]+ but selecting all string
How can i then…

HI @Pradeep_Kalyan

you can try this way

str_input = “8903 i am an RPA Developer”

str_input.Split({" "},StringSplitOptions.None).Last


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Hey use this regex

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How about the following expression?



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Based on your process


it will select all so you can try this expression it will work

str_input.Split({" "},StringSplitOptions.None).Last


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I tried this one working for me and thanks for the quick rly

Hi @Pradeep_Kalyan

You can use the below regular expressions to extract the developer from the above data.



Hope it helps!!

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Thanks i tried this also working

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