Splitting datatable based on distinct two column combination


I would need to split datatable into several datatables based on two columns (Name & Project). The input data will change over time so this needs to be dynamic.

For example, input data table could look like this:

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Danny, project A, 45, 100$
Danny, project A, 55, 300$
Danny, project B, 75, 500$
Danny, project B, 55, 400$
Danny, project C, 45, 100$
Danny, project C, 55, 300$
Danny, project B, 15, 500$
Danny, project B, 95, 400$
Sally, project A, 55, 300$
Sally, project B, 75, 500$
Sally, project B, 55, 400$
Danny, project C, 55, 300$
Danny, project B, 15, 500$
Danny, project B, 95, 400$

Output datatables should look like this:

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Danny, project A, 45, 100$
Danny, project A, 55, 300$

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Danny, project B, 75, 500$
Danny, project B, 55, 400$
Danny, project B, 15, 500$
Danny, project B, 95, 400$
Danny, project B, 15, 500$
Danny, project B, 95, 400$

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Danny, project C, 45, 100$
Danny, project C, 55, 300$
Danny, project C, 55, 300$

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Sally, project A, 55, 300$

Name, Project, work hours, cost
Sally, project B, 75, 500$
Sally, project B, 55, 400$

I think I should use dataviews somehow, but not sure how to do it. Could someone support me here?


Get the unique value from Name and Project then use filter Datatable by iterating it you can achieve it.

Suresh J


Do group by based on the two columns, you can refer the posts in uipath forum for reference to do group by.
