Split the String into even and odd values

Hi team,

I am struck with one example like how to split the string in to even and ODD

For example, I have even a string like “ABCDEFGH” I have to split this as “AB CD EF GH”

If I have a Odd string “ABCDEFG” I have to split like “A BC DE FG”

Could any one help me on this

Thanks in advance


How about the following expression?

arrStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(yourString,".{1,2}",System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.RightToLeft).Cast(Of System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match).Select(Function(m) m.Value).Reverse().ToArray()


For Even String Like “ABCDEFGH” I Need the output as “AB CD EF GH”

Thanks in advance


Why do you use ForEach activity? If str is string type variable, the following will work.

arrStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(str,".{1,2}",System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.RightToLeft).Cast(Of System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match).Select(Function(m) m.Value).Reverse().ToArray()


String.Join(" ",arrStr)

note: arrStr is String array type.


Sorry for this. Understood. Could you please help me for Even String as well.

Thanks in advance


The above expression also works.


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