One kind suggestion, i didn’t get the conditions in your mention like Auswahll not -Bitte auswählen- kindly add that based on the condition required or if you want we can add that too…
Thank you very much Buddy and sorry for this late answer!!
Unfortunately I had no time yet to proof your solution in detail.
For the “Auswahl” cases I mean that if there is the value "-Bitte auswählen-"then there is no need to add this row into the Excel sheet.
I will take a look to your solution in the next days and would ask you again if I have any questions.
Coming to the point, you can ignore or consider the “-Bitte auswählen-” by using string.contains(“-Bitte auswählen-”) and if it contains you can handle that with if condition
Hope this would help you and kindly mark the one you feel right as solution as it would help others looking for solution even we might refer later…
I have the Problem, that i don’t get any values for “Name”, “Matrikelnummer” and “Auswahl”. The Excel sheet stays empty every time. I’ve tried to see the values in a MassageBox but it stays empty aswell. Is it possible that there is a problem with reading out the array?