I have this string with some text, date, more text and numbers like(uses ¤ as a separator to get text later)
"¤bla 123456 bla bla ¤ 31-OCT-19 lastname, firstname ¤bla ¤123456 bla bla ¤
Tried to split with [0-9]{2}-[a-z]{3,}-[0-9]{2} but I can not figure it how to split so I keep the part from date:
31-OCT-19 lastname, firstname ¤bla ¤123456 bla bla
Try with this regex expresssion,
Can you try the following?
Thank tou, looks like it works, but could you pleas explain what it does? So I can learn a little bit moore to understand.
Like what to write if I dont’t know how long the text is after date. I Guess if I use a For Each it will read every instanse of date as a new string?
could you pleas explain what it does? So I can learn a little bit moore to understand.
: Positive lookbehind of Regex. If there is ¤, behind string is matched
: Match 0 or some whitespaces
: date
: Match 0 or some characters and ¤ (Shortest match)
Match 0 or some characters
: Positive lookahead of Regex. If there is ¤, head string is matched
Like what to write if I dont’t know how long the text is after date. I Guess if I use a For Each it will read every instanse of date as a new string?
Probably it doesn’t depend on text length. But I suppose you need to test in various cases which you estimate.
Thanks a lot. Trying to test now. Find the first date, but the string output is a little wrong. I think I need to take all text after first date and keep it in a sting, then it will loop for every instans of date it that string.(Sorry about my crap english)
I think I need to take all text after first date and keep it in a sting,
Can you try the following pattern?
Does not return any thing:)
Does your string end with line break?
If so, it might be the following.
This one works, splits the line, but I lost the date. How do I keep the date as first part of each substring?
Hope this expression would work with all conditions
Any date format
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @kare.smorvik