Speed up the Terminal navigation

Hi @badita,
I just wanted to know, is there any possibilities for speed up the terminal activities like move cursor , set Field etc. I tried to reduce the DelayMS value. its cause to the errors.I am automating IBM AS400 terminal.


this excel tool used for terminal automation. this is very faster than the UIPath. is that possible to achive this tool speed in terminal process?

thanks, we ll take a look.

The APIs that most terminal emulator expose usually have issues when commands are given very fast (had these issues with BlueZone, for example). You can lower those values to fit your needs, however, we do not recommend. All terminal automation macros from various providers have samples with much larger delays than our defaults.

Hi badita,

Could you please let me know how to do Mainframe automation using termainal activity. I have searched, but not able to find samples. could you help me in this ?

Thanks in advance

Automating Terminals and Mainframes There you go! Enjoy

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