Speech Mark Woes

I have some text I need removing using Excel Activities Find/Replace


Written exactly as it is above. I have tried adding triple speech marks, breaking it down into component parts and remove them, this is ok for part but removes other sections of the file

Any recommendations :slight_smile:

HI @rmorgan

Have you given the specific range in the activity?


Hi @rmorgan ,

Could you provide us with an Example Data of What is the Input and what would be the output after performing the operation ? If you could provide screenshots of the Inputs and Outputs it would be much easier to understand and provide a better suggestion/approach.

Each Row looks as the below orchestrator transaction item

I just need rid of the {“DynamicProperties”:{ at the begining so i can text to columns the rest

All data is in the A:A range and that is specified
The above doesn’t even remove it :frowning:

Can you try inserting: Chr (34) for each Quotation mark?

ASCII Library Links
Library Link #1

Library Link #2

Hopefully this helps :blush:



Obviously I didn’t mess around with it enough :man_shrugging: Thanks

No worries :blush:

There is a method I believe to the additional quotation marks. And you were on the right track! Try adding 4 sets of Quotation mark each side (total 8). I think this worked for me didn’t play around with it enough to commit it to memory :sweat_smile:

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