Specify the location of the outgoing mail workflow

When the process is finished, I want to email the data accumulated in the process to a specific person.
I want to know if I have to create a mailing workflow and put it into the end process .
Or, I would like to know where the data accumulated in a .Zip file should be compressed and mailed.

Hi @Bobae_Lee
At the end of the process use Send SMTP mail message or send outlook message activity based whether outlook is installed or not on your machine.

Do you want to send the ZIp file stored on your local folder to someone?

Oh! I didn’t know if it had that feature!
If I use SMTP, do I use the extracted data as a .Zip file?
So, should I put SMTP at the end of the process? or where?
Thank you so much!!

Sorry I couldn’t understand where are you getting the extracted data you can send any file in SMTP , just click attachment in the activities property and create a argument of file path along with the file name.

And put it in the end

Sorry for using my words weird.
I mean, extract the data while running the process.
If there are 6 required data, it will go through the process 6 times and extract the data. After that, it means that it compresses 6 and then sends the mail using SMTP.

Please refer this link for zipping files

And use SMTP activity to send the attachment (the zip file) at the end of the process

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