Sorting Functionality for Argument List

We can have sorting facility in the Argument list of any workflow. Sometime I want to logically group the arguments and I want the same order to be shown when invoked as workflow.

Hi @vasanth8891,
Can you describe it a little more. You could describe use case for this so I could properly understand what you mean :slight_smile:

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In the below list, if I could move the position of the arguments so that I can group them and keep them in logical order. Here I wanted it in this order.

  1. InLastMins
  2. InLastHours
  3. InLastDays
  4. Subject
  5. Mail

I know its a small thing. I was creating this workflow for a reusable standard component. Sorry for bothering. Thanks.

Hi @vasanth8891,
Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to our internal ideas tracker for our team to consider.

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@Pablito @vasanth8891 , have you got any updates with it? I think this will be an comfort feature which will make the workflows more logical and easy to understand. thanks!

Hi @Akshay_More,
This is one of the features that definitely will be implemented in one of our future releases. Please stay tuned :slight_smile:

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I’d also like this added, as it makes sense to group similar arguments together or even list them in the order you’d see them in the GUI you are using.

Furthermore, when you use a library file you get arguments split into the standard groups that UIPath use (common, input, misc, output). It would be nice to add “options” here.

Yes, please add!

This feature is still not added 2 years after the last message ?

Hi, I’m hoping this new feature would be availble soon.

As a workaround, you may open the xaml via notepad then modify the sequence in tag <x:Members>.