Sort Excel file with config file

Hello to the community,

I have an assignment from an employer that requires me to automate a small project, what is it;

  • I have a config file that contains several contributors, the first sheet is a contributors with their ID, the second sheet is payment information that contains a column with colleagues who are in charge of some of the contributors.
    -I have an input document that is being upgraded every day (excel file)
    and I have to sort that input file in a single excel file for each colleague, especially in a single directory with a current date for each colleague.
    Can anyone help?

Thank you all

Buddy you can use sort datatable activity and pass the input of column name and datatable obtained from read range activity
Cheers @Gagi77

Ok buddy, i will try now.
Thank you bro

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Kindly try and let know if you face any issues buddy
Cheers @Gagi77

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