Please if someone can help. On the picture below, you can see my simple workflow. So I’m getting an unread message from my inbox and I’m extracting email body (HTML) correctly.
Now I need to extract some data from HTML body but not sure how. so what I need to extract is shown in bold. Is there a possibility to extract from string with StartsWith and EndsWith? if yes how.
Ok, this seems to be working but now when I have regex value, I would like to convert it to String @ronanpeter do you know how to do that? I tried for each item in regex collection and convert items to string but it’s not working … do you know what could be wrong and is there any other method?
Also if I do without “First” than I don’t have compiler error but i don’t get anything from regular expression. I checked several times regular expression and I’m able to get positive results so regex is working fine.
Found the bug — my regex should look like this (?<=Transaction ID: )(.*)(?=, User ID) but UiPath is not recognizing it as valid regex - : is part of HTML code which is inserted into body … Do you know how to write this and make regex valid?
My html code looks like this: - `
Transaction ID:& # x 20;362, User ID:& # x 20;266144, SKU:& # x 20;paypal-gc-usd-20
Spaces in between & # x 20 are not exisitng i just entered to avaoid formatting from this page text editor