Smartsheet 'Get Sheet' activity can't handle any 'Rows modified since' value


We need to use ‘Rows modified since’ property for Smartsheet ‘Get Sheet’ activity but it doesn’t allow any value.

It fails using a DateTimeOffset variable

If fails using a date selected with the activity date picker

Same error for both cases

Documentation says it accepts DateTimeOffset or using the calendar widget to select a date.

UiPath.IntegrationService.Activitis 1.8.0
Studio 2023.10.4
Smartsheet activity Runtime (Available) version

Hi, @Juan_Felipe_Carvajal

Give date format like that,


I hope it will be help to you. :slight_smile:

Hello @Kismet_Tosun

That property just accepts DateTimeOffset type as input.

Thank you

Hİ, @Juan_Felipe_Carvajal

Change the Filter Date variable type by string. Give manuel date. Try it


Same error
The image shows an error message indicating that the value for "FilterDate" in UiPath cannot implicitly convert from 'String' to 'DateTimeOffset' due to Option Strict On. (Captioned by AI)

The activity has a bug.