Skip some steps after If conditions fails

Hi All,

I have a process mentioned below:

  1. in for each data row loop it will click an activity and search for a user from data table
  2. if user found then it will continue the remaining process
  3. if user is not found it will skip the complete process mentioned and will process for next row with click activity and search again which is the first step of for each loop

I am able to process if user is found but if user is not found how it’ll skip the complete process and start from 1st step

Please suggest


if not found break there
using break activity

Hi @sgarg

Put the Further steps in then part if any thing found as not matched it will return into else part and as there are no activities to perform it will go for the second iteration

To handle the scenario where a user is found, you can add the further steps in the “Then” part of the conditional statement. If the user is not found, you can use a “Continue” activity to go to the next iteration of the loop

Thanks My solution was Continue Activity

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