Siri on UiPath

“ Let’s UiPath “
Story_1 : Siri and UiPath

Today I felt about having a real-time Jarvis…
Well not exactly…but a kind of

Yeah…it’s cool

I m very glad to share my vision with you all, on “learn one”.
It’s about learning one thing a day on one feature for one min with everyone, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: just kidding.

We all got phenomenal UiPath Platforms, to try and make a real-time human experience.

So let’s take UiPath Orchestrator Mobile App to start our Journey…on how to trigger a bot with your LOVELY SIRI

Steps involved are

—Download UiPath Orchestrator App
—open the app
—we can login either with on premise Or cloud orchestrator
—now I have used cloud orchestrator
—login with your credentials
—we will be able to see the dashboard at first sight
—click on the menu button at left top corner
—click on jobs and run a job as a pilot test
—choose the process name
—select the robot we need to run and here u have chosen unattended type of robot
—click on START job
—once after the bot starts we will get an option to ADD TO FAVOURITES
—we can set a name to that favourite job

—now in the same jobs page click on bottom right icon which list the favourite jobs, process.
—on clicking that we will be taken to favourite page, where click on JOBS tab
—and there we will be able to see the favourite job
—click on the menu in that favourite job
And enable ADD TO SIRI
—you can choose what to tell Siri so that it will run that job at the back end

Tadaaaa…you are done
Enjoy the feature…
Isn’t it amazing…

Kindly share your feedbacks.
why not we can do the same with android, let’s give a try and share the steps…

@loginerror @TejusVenkatesh @Vibhor.Shrivastava @Lahiru.Fernando



Great leaders have great visions… :slight_smile:

That’s some amazing vision you got @Palaniyappan
I would like to add one suggestion… I personally know that people love to create the Jarvis kind of stuff using UiPath… :smiley:

I used to be/ and still one of them haha :rofl: It’s fun, and you can learn a lot too…

So, as a suggestion, bro create a video tutorial on doing this. and share it with our friends here… It would be super cool to have a small tutorial with those steps, and it would be super easy for the guys here to follow… :slight_smile:

Take your vision to the next level!!


Yah Lahiru

And though I have added a steps on doing it, it’s a good idea on creating video For that too…

Let’s rock together…

cheers @Lahiru.Fernando

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Hi @Palaniyappan,

Nice job :ok_hand: oru wisel

Omkar P


Hi I am trying to do the same process but this is an error. I am connected to correct orchestrator


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