Simple question about Filtered vs Non-Filtered Data Table

Hi all, I’ve a simple question about Filted vs Non-Filtered Data Tables.

I’ve an Excel file which I’ve read into a DataTable using the System Read Range activity.

Ultimately, I would like to print only the rows which meet a particular value, in my case greater than.

The problem is if I iterate through the original/Input DataTable variable it doesn’t work. If I make another DataTable variable, let’s say dt_TotalFiltered, and iterate through that DataTable it works.

I would like to know why it doesn’t work with the Input DataTable, because the alt text in the Filter Data Table Activity says that the Input DataTable will be used to write the changes to if you don’t add a ‘new’ Data Table variable yourself:

“Choose where to save the filtered DataTable. This field is optional, if no other DataTable is specified, the changes will be saved to the Input DataTable.”

Hey @RobotDev please pass your dtTotal varaiable in the filter datatable field.
Input data is used to filter the datas and once the data is filtered you just need to pass the output to save the filtered datas if not the filtered data will not be saved.


Sreejith S S

Thanks for your reply. I know that, but that doesn’t seem to correspond with the below bold text in the Studio alt text field:

“This field is optional, if no other DataTable is specified, the changes will be saved to the Input DataTable.”

Hi @RobotDev ,

It does seem incomplete, The Alt Text specified does not provide us the full details.

For full details/ on confusion, we could check the documentation on the Activity, where it is specified accurately :

However, For a Correction on the Alt Text, you could maybe provide it as a Feedback :slightly_smiling_face: