Simple datatable/row issue


Any idea which rule i should use to input data (single string) to empty A1 rows from another sheet? Table looks like this…

9876543210 1 Logan
8353255253 1 Logan
7432635962 1 Logan

7711451976 1 Logan
8201337453 1 Logan
7711755962 1 Logan

7711451976 1 Logan
8201337453 1 Logan
7711755962 1 Logan



Are you trying to insert the above full text in A1 Cell of Excel ?

Yup A1 under 10 digit numbers where are empty rows…

Did we try with WRITE CELL
or is the requirement is beyond that scope

Write Cell possibly but empty row is not in the same spot every time. There might be 3-6 numbers in a row before empty row.
I actually have a add datarow activity already that adds newline. This i gotta replace with a call that inputs datarow from another sheet…

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