Here i am providing value matching to the regex pattern, after that we have one flow decision with condition(ResultVariable = False and RetryNumber <=3),according to me it should be true if match with regex but it goes in false and shows success.
anyone can help me with that,thanks.
Did you initialise RetryNumber variable with 1 initially ?
actually it is from uipath academy,i just didnt understand that.
If regex IsMatch returns true as ResultVariable, it flows to False because (ResultVariable = False) returns false. (True=False) returns False
i knew it was silly,thanks for clearing doubt.
one more question,if i am providing input not matching with regex it will be false then from condition it will be false = false,here it will go to false decision then how it will count wrong try.
It will flow to true because (false = false) returns true.
now finally i got it,here its actually comparing outputs,i was thinking here its assigning value of output.
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