Hi friends,
Could you please help me shortcuts inside the studio like …
to save the data , Populate the data, scroll down , select the text, scroll up, page down and page up, handle the screen which is populated entire in desktop.
Hi friends,
Could you please help me shortcuts inside the studio like …
to save the data , Populate the data, scroll down , select the text, scroll up, page down and page up, handle the screen which is populated entire in desktop.
Hi Friends,
I need to select particular option in horizontal meu bar i.e., create pick list , report picking and complete options
can you tell me the steps for this…
[quote=“venkateshcheeni09, post:21, topic:357096”]
Could you please help me for this query.
Try with these Shortcuts
I think you are asking for this?
You need to look at the underlined letter for shortcuts
Alt + underlined letter
Actally i am not asking about this. Could you plse see the screenshot and give rply
This is a 3rd party software, so you better reach the technical support team of that software and try with them
It’s hard to say the shortcuts by the screenshot
Ok Thank you.
As i said try to use the underlined letters as shortcuts
Eg: you can see the letter t is underlined in the screenshot
Create pick List - Alt +T
Reserve - Alt+r
Hope it helps
Here i cant able to see underline letters.
yes for that menu
I need to handle the menu
and options is create pick list, Report picking and Complete options.
Please tell me activities name and how to handle it exactly
Here it is
For create pick list
tell me which activity i should use and how to handle or if possible shall we connect now
I cant find Report picking option in the list
you can use send hotkey or type into or click or click text activity
You can try with Click text activity
Click the menu option and use click text
Click text activity is not working. I have tried many times.