Sharepoint gives me "Cannot contact web site" after login on Excel

We are using the Sharepoint activities on a project, login mode is set to “Online” and given proper credentials.

Everything worked perfectly until we sign in on Excel with a different user than the one Sharepoint uses. Now every Sharepoint activity is giving me “Cannot contact web site ‘’ or the web site does not support SharePoint Online credentials. The response status code is 'Unauthorized”. We have tried login out the Excel user and login with the Sharepoint user but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas? Thank you


Generally data would be stored in the following location tey clearing and then re enter



Hey thanks for the answer but I dont have that folder

Adding the second part of the message error because it may be relevant: Access+denied.+Before+opening+files+in+this+location%2c+you+must+first+browse+to+the+web+site+and+select+the+option+to+login+automatically

Have anyone had this problem before?