Share my process to colleagues

Hi all,

I would like to ask how can I let my colleagues run the process uploaded in my account using their accounts? it would be great if there is a step by step process. Thank you so much!

What do you mean “uploaded into your account?”

Is this an attended automation? You publish the project to Orchestrator and they run it from Assistant.

Hello thank you for your reply!

I have uploaded the process on my orchestrator account. It is an unattended automation. what can I do and what they should do so that they can see it and they would be able to run it

If it’s unattended they don’t run it. It runs unattended, meaning on a robot server. You’d start it manually from Orchestrator or set up a trigger so it runs automatically.


You can add your colleagues as robot account and setup to run unattended processes. Follow these steps and you should be good.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @gabrixxxl

You can also create a dedicated folder for your colleagues , and using the process’s nupkg files create processes in that folder . And add your colleagues as users for that folder .
In that way they can directly go to the folder and run the process .

You were already given two documentation links that explain it.