SetTransactionStatus.xaml failed:

this is the error i am encountering with. I have replaced the file but still issue is same.

SetTransactionStatus.xaml failed: Compressed part has inconsistent data length. at Source: WindowsBase level: Fatal

HI @Ehsan_ul_haq

  1. Check the integrity of the workflow file: Ensure that the “SetTransactionStatus.xaml” file is not corrupted or incomplete. You can verify this by opening the file in UiPath Studio and reviewing its contents.
  2. Review any recent changes: If you made any modifications to the workflow recently, consider reverting those changes temporarily to see if the error persists. This will help determine if the issue is related to a specific change.
  3. Check for dependencies: Verify that all the required dependencies and packages for the workflow are installed correctly. In UiPath Studio, navigate to the “Manage Packages” section and ensure that all the necessary packages are up to date.
  4. Clear temporary files: Sometimes, temporary files used by UiPath can cause issues. Close UiPath Studio, navigate to the folder where the project is located, and delete any temporary or cache files associated with it. Then reopen the project and try running the workflow again.
  5. Rebuild the workflow: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you may need to recreate the “SetTransactionStatus.xaml” workflow from scratch. Create a new workflow file with the same activities and logic, and then copy and paste the content from the old file to the new one. This can help eliminate any potential corruption within the workflow file.

Hope it helps!!

change TransactionItem Argument type to String instead of QueueItem in SetTransactionStatus workflow and then check it.

Now it states

SetTransactionStatus.xaml failed: Compressed part has inconsistent data length. at Source: WindowsBase

I have checked, all things looks good

Hi @Ehsan_ul_haq

Welcome to Community!

I think you are using large number of queue items then only the error will occurs.

I hope it helps!!


May due too lot many transactions it’s showing you that error. Put the set Transaction Status in Retry scope. Hope it might help.


Hi @Ehsan_ul_haq ,

Could you Debug the workflow and check at which activity it is giving out the Error.

This way we’ll be able to identify what is the actual issue, it seems like you are trying to write data in the Set Transaction Status workflow and it’s giving out the error but do check it out by Debugging.

More on Debugging :


Welcome to the community

So just to check first …is the bot entering the xaml? Or it failing while invoking the xaml only?

If it is entering it then on which activity is it failing?

It would be a good idea to run the bot in debug mode and when paused for error check the locals panel and open the exception details from there might might give more info
