Setting up a resource pool


As I am new to UiPath, but have worked with other RPA tools before, I am wondering whether the following scenario is possible:

Having the Robot service run on a pool of computers as part of a standard configuration (say within a company, every new PC comes with the service running by default).

The idea here is that, we have a use case where a service desk can then remotely push and trigger a Robot on that resource. It is, however, not preffered to have all Robots stored on that instance, instead it should be pushed onto the resource before execution.

Why not use remote tools to take over the computer? Because most service desk tasks can be executed by simply analyzing the request through another tool, which serves as the user interface for interaction, and once the algorithm there is confident enough, it can trigger the RPA actions. No human interaction would be necessary…

I’d like to hear more about the feasibility of the above setup of RPA with UiPath.

Thanks in advance for your input.


Jarrick Van Camp