Set DataTable header by merging the value of 2 rows


I have a DataTable like this :


I need to merge the values of the first 2 rows of each column and set the result value as header.

Do you have any suggestions for this issue?

Thanks in advance.


Can you try the following sample? (8.8 KB)


Hello @SONYC

  1. Assign activity:
    dtResult = New DataTable

  2. For Each activity (ForEach col in dt.Columns):
    a. Assign activity:
    dtResult.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, GetType(String))
    dtResult.Rows.Add(dt.Rows(0)(col.ColumnName).ToString & " " & dt.Rows(1)(col.ColumnName).ToString)

  3. Remove Data Rows activity (for removing the first two rows from the original DataTable):
    DataTable: dt
    Index: 1
    Number of Rows: 2

  4. Invoke Method activity:
    TargetObject: dt
    MethodName: Merge
    Parameters: dtResult

Thanks & Cheers!!!

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Thank you @Yoichi
It works exactly as expected.
Just for information, what would be the lambda query for this procedure in one shot ?
With LINQ the constraint would be to use a second DT I guess.


It’s necessary 2 expressions. Can you try the following sample?


Dim d As DataTable = dt
dt.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn).ToList().ForEach(Sub(c)
    c.ColumnName = d.Rows(0).Item(c).ToString()+" "+d.Rows(1).Item(c).ToString()
End Sub
dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Skip(2).CopyToDataTable()

Sample (8.7 KB)


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Again, thank you @Yoichi !

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