Set color to Highlight Entire Rows Based On Condition

Hi Everyone,
I hope this would help everyone those who are trying to set color based on condition which highlight entire rows

[ In this case My condition was If Bit Rate 0.0 kbps Color the entire row ]


Step 1: Use excel application scope and select the path then read the sheet

Step 2: pass the variable in For each row

Step 3: Use assign activity var count = count + 1

Step 4: For condition use if condition activity and write your condition [ In my case Row(“Bit Rate”).Tostring = “0.0 kbps” ] and if the condition is true Then

Step 5: Use set color activity inside the then part and in property panel Input
Color – color you want)
Range – “A”+(count+1).ToString+“:B”+(count+1).ToString -----[according to my case]
change the cell according to your sheet.
Sheet Name – “Sheet1”

------ By this you can Highlight your entire row Based on your condition


Thank you



Good job bro. Yes its really helpful.


Thank you bro

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Good Job @gulshiyaa mam :clap::clap::clap:

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Thank you jeevan garu


Very nice … :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Thank you @balupad14

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