Set clipping region does not work

Hi. I have multiple invoice in different format and i am trying to pass the set clipping region as variable.So that i can loop though all the invoice and read the same value from different invoice.
i am using relative scrapping and translate clipping region.
e.g. new_region=>New UiPath.Core.Region(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, -100, -100, 100)).
it bring up small set of data from that region.

If i try to pass the size for different value its work fine and just bring up the required data.

How can i pass size dynamically.



Try with Anchor Base activity

i want to create dynamic workfolw to support different invoices. how i do in anchor base.


Please go through below thread to get more idea on Anchor Base.

In your case, left hand side use Find element activity and on right hand side use Get Text activity

Hi. i tried that but this need find element(static)which cannot make it dynamic.
I am looking to make it dynamic. if i use relative scrapping , i can use image an variable and get its size from set clipping region activity and then pass to get ocr text.
