ServiceNow Integration Pack requirements

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are keeping safe

I am working on project based on ServiceNow and there is a need for ServiceNow integration package. My questions is, do I need UiPath Spoke enabled on ServiceNow or just ServiceNow activity pack is good to start with? The requirements are simple… read the incidents and update them through UiPath.

I was able to find UiPath document here - About

What I understood is… If I have to read, update or add incidents/tickets I just need ServiceNow Activity pack installed on UiPath studio. UiPath Spoke is required if we want to give control to ServiceNow to control UiPath (i.e., start job, stop job, etc.)

But, it got me confused. Do I need UiPath Connector for ServiceNow (aka UiPath Spoke) configured in order to use ServiceNow activity pack?

If someone can guide me through what all I need in order to use ServiceNow Activity pack, would be great. Other than Endpoint, Username and Password what else would I need from client?

Appreciate help with this.


Hi @harshilmehta,

Your understanding is right about the difference between UiPath Spoke and Servicenow Activities package.

So basically you will be needing Service now endpoint, username, password, (Client ID & secret - If you are enabling OAuth Authentication method)

Please find the complete details in below link

Hope this helps.

Let know for any queries.


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Check below for your reference

Hope this helps you


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Thank you so much! This helps and clarifies my doubt.

Another quick question… I read on SN docs that it requires UiPath 2020.4.1 version and above. Do you happen to know if I can get Service Now activity pack on 2019.10.4? This is the current version client has in PROD. I fear we might need upgrade. It would be wonderful if there is any work around to bypass the upgrade process.


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Thank you for sharing the link. I referred this link but I wasn’t clear if I actually need UiPath Spoke based on my project requirement. I just need ServiceNow Activity Pack.

Is the OAuth Authentication method determined by UiPath or it is based on how ServiceNow is configured?

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The OAuth should be configured in Service Now.

Also, there is no need to upgrade UiPath. I guess you are looking at the latest preview package. PFB the relevant details.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your quick replies. I believe “Connector for ServiceNow” and “ServiceNow Activities” are two separate packages, right? For some reason I am not able to find “ServiceNow Activities” package from Manage Packages within Studio. Is there any other way I can get the package and install it manually?

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Please make sure you have enabled the connect source

And check for the activities as below

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thank you once again. I was not able to find “Connect” under default package source. However, I select rest all that I saw. This is all I have:

I am able to see both the packages now. Thank you so much!
Sorry 1 more question - is it recommendable to use “preview” version for production work? UiPath.ServiceNow.Activities are only preview version.

PS - I like UiPathTeam.ServiceNow.Activities as it has lot more activities than UiPath.ServiceNow.Activities

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No prob @harshilmehta, Post all your queries anytime :slight_smile:

My personal recommendation is not to use preview for production.

But again you can try at your own risk, depends on how good it works for various scenarios in your usecase.

Cheers :+1:

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Do you know if there is any stable version for UiPath.ServiceNow.Activities package? I couldn’t find in package manager.

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No its still in preview, Hopefully we will get stable version sooner.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be using that.

If you build things with that and make proper testing should make your process stable.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Nithinkrishna. You have been great help!

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