how can I Send one email according to three rows and three columns from DataTable variable?
Hello @Lior_Ben_Naim
Please explain in detail
i have a Data Table:
|Name |Last Name|DOB|
I want to send one email message with all of this data like:
“Dear” + ‘Name1’ + ‘Last Name1’ + ‘DOB1’
“Dear” + 'Name2 + ‘Last Name2’ + ‘DOB2’
“Dear” + ‘Name3’ + ‘Last Name3’ + ‘DOB3’
How can i do this?
@Lior_Ben_Naim Do you want to send only one mail or you want to repeat the activity for the rest of the rows also i.e., taking three rows at a time and sending a mail?
i want to write it all in one email
Let the data table variable be inputDT
Use assign activity
On the Left side use a new a variable say MailString of type String
On the right side use the code below
String.Join(Environment.NewLine, inputDT.AsEnumerable.Select(Function (x) String.Join(" ", {"Dear", x(0).ToString, x(1).ToString, x(2).ToString})))
you will get the required string stored in the String variable MailString. You can use this string variable in mail Body
but i need to do this to all the rows not just one
It is for all rows. Try it
Thank you very much
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