Hi, I am receiving multiple email id’s and need to send email to all those id’s together. What can I do before this send activity for this .
Hi, I am receiving multiple email id’s and need to send email to all those id’s together. What can I do before this send activity for this .
Can you please tell which send email activity is that?
if it needs array then use in_Config("strSender").ToString.Split(";"c).ToArray
Which Mail activity are you using? please specify and try using Send SMTP Mail Message activity and give the same config parameters. It should work
Check out this thread. This will help you sort the error.
UiPath Gsuite Activity
Can’t use SMTP .its G-suite activity .complete project is using Gsuite
Try this way:
Before Send Email take an assign activity and give the below way:
emailArray= in_Config("strSender").ToString.Split(";"c).ToArray
is of DataType Array(System.String)
@Anil_G - Data is already in string array format . you still want to use this before send email activity .
Try this way:
Pass the above syntax in Send Email activity.
it is not in that format…if you keep semicolon in between strings and inclose in curl braces then it is considered as one string but not multiple array
is different from {"A";"B"}
what you currently did is the first one…the formula with split will help you convert string to array like the second format
Hope this clarifies
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