Hello Devs, Im working on this process and Im not sure how to work on it. So I have an email that comes in once a week and in that email is an excel that I download. After I download it im running these steps.
7.4 | Sort column ‘mc 1 down last’ from A TO Z. Filter column ‘sources/modules’ and select ‘IT Risk Mgmt’ only. |
7.5 | Go to column ‘sub status’ and deselect ASO Followup |
7.6 | Sort column ‘due date’ from oldest to latest. |
7.7 | Check if the Estimated Mitigation Date (EMD) is less than due date |
7.8 | If yes, then its’ an exception and an email should be sent to John informing him about this finding. |
So I have completed this but what I need help is with is this step
( 7.9 If no, then check column ‘due label’. If the risk is Past due 32+, Past due 1-31, Due in 0-31 or Due in 32-60 days, then create an email to the map owner using the template provided. Include all the columns mentioned." )
|Past due 32+|Send an email daily|
|Past due 1-31|Send an email weekly|
|Due in 0-31|Send an email bi-weekly|
|Due in 32-60|Send an email monthly|
SInce I have to send emails weekly and monthly bi weekly and daily how do I do that even when I get an update email every week regarding the same file.