Hi all,
I’ve seen multiple topics regarding this issue or similar ones. However, none of them seem to provide me with a working answer. I’ve tried to cut this down, but for some reason it is not working.
What I would like to establish is:
Send a mail message with Outlook containing a string followed by a hyperlink that leads to a specific folder on a shared network drive.
What I tried:
Multiple things but the most basic ones:
Use the Send Outlook Mailmessage activity, not selecting the sender, sending it to my own email address. The subject is just a string value and the IsBodyHtml option is enabled.
First: For the body I typed
Second: The body is solely a variable that contains a file location that is stored in my config file.
First “output”:
An error that it cannot work with that input for the mail body.
Second output:
Just the folder path as a regular string value.
I think there should be even an easy answer, but I just cannot find it. I hope you guys can help me with that.