Send using Gmail Account not Outlook

Is there a resource to use a Gmail Account and not an Outlook Account?

Hello @salemgf1
For now, in StudioX, the only email client available is Outlook. We plan on adding Gsuite support in the release in October. In the meantime, do you think you can add the Gmail account into Outlook?
Alternatively, if you go into Manage packages, you can find the GSuite activities package on the Official feed. But I am afraid setting it up will not be as straightforward as adding the email address in Outlook.

Hi @salemgf1 - to add to @Corneliu_Niculite, when you install the GSuite packages the activities will be found in ‘other’ in StudioX.

As a manual workaround you can take a look here - I had to use Application/Browser option to use my gmail account because Outlook automation was not reliable - #3 by Ann_Bell

Hi @salemgf1

Use Send SMTP Mail Message Activity and enter properties port,server,username,password…
and go to gmail settings->security->change allow all apps after mail will be work.

Kommi Jeevan.

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