Can anyone help me understand why this error message?? where as if I keep my credentials hard-coded in the activity then its working fine but when using the same via Get Credential its giving me this error.
Have you enabled less secure apps in your gmail account ?Kindly enable less secure apps then you will able to send the mails. use below link to enable.
Its office365 and i am using the correct configuration as i tried the same SMTP configuration with credentials hard-coded in the code and it worked but for when passing the same from asset credential(user name and password only) and rest the configuration through variable, its not working.
Did you find the solution? I am also facing the same issue.
Using the Get Secure Credential Activity to retrieve the user name and password from windows credentials. But send smtp do not work with secure string. For plain string it works fine.
apparently the secure password option is not working correctly, use the following method to use the password from the orchestrator in the password field that takes a string
New System.Net.NetworkCredential(String.Empty, VARIABLE).Password.ToString()
VARIABLE = variable secure password that comes from the orchestrator
@joao_adelio1 in my case I did convert the secure string to system string to cross check the value of the credentials and I found it it’s getting the correct value but unfortunately not working in the flow.
hello, i’ve read your answers on both threads and that concerns the secure password
however i’m getting the same issue with password as regular string since 1.9.6 and i’ve been using 1.9.5 to avoid that but i have to update and even with 1.10.5 i still have the issue
both mail and password are string values in the activities ! any recommendation ?