Send SMTP Mail Message Activity

Hello once again Forum, Today i have a question.

When you need to send a email with a attachment, which option do you use that feel is the fastest way in terms of execution. Today a realised that Google Unable the option “Less secure apps access” which let us use account of google to for example send emails. I used to think this activity was the est for this situations, but now I don’t know.

This might be also the reason why i’m unable to solve this problem of Google Workspace I talk before of. Working with G Suite Activities Package

Hope someone can tell me what is going on and how I an solve it.
Thank you

You can use gmail access token concept for sending mails using smtp

Hello @Luis_Fernando

Did you tried creating a project in workspace and try adding the gmail API and then create the AUthentication key?

If yes, are you facing any issue with that?

Hello @Mr.StarLord_AO
What do you mean with tokens, how do I use that?

You can use app password which could be generated from for send smtp. and need not to bother about the Less secure app access option

Once you generated a password under App passwords. Use that app password instead of using the account’s password.

@Mr.StarLord_AO Could you give me a more detailed explanation? Hope is not a problem, but I haven’t been able to found what you told. Thank You

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