Send SMTP mail activity - Damaged attachment

Hi Community

I am having trouble with this error(Shown below). it is as if the file gets damaged when the email is sent.

This is my workflow:


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may i know what is the value of MailDirectory
kindly check once by sending the same file in mail manually and check whether we are getting the same error

Cheers @ChrisPals

try zipping your file before attaching it buddy. :slight_smile:


That might work, have you got any suggestions for ziping a single file, cant see any activities which are suitable.

you have custom activities . Go to manage packages and search for zipping activities.
I suggest balareva.externals.activities by @balupad14

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I checked and it works when email is manually sent.

The value is:

like with this new datetime along the filepath…!

Hi @ChrisPals
once you export give a delay of 5 to 10 seconds because i faced this issue. it got resolved using the delay activity.
you are attaching the file before it gets extracted properly

hope that helps

Thank you for the answers. It works now.

@ashley11 your solution worked, thank you.

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