Send outlook email based on excel data in Studiox

Hi all,
Im new to StudioX and im still not sure about its full capabilities, i have a new project and i don’t know if its can be achieved in StudioX or i should do it in the Studio.

I have an Excel table which looks something like this:


I have 3 criteria i want to apply to filter the users i need to send them a separate email for each one of them. The first filter is the status, only approved status will be chosen. Then, I want to send an email to only those users with ‘Value NOT EQUAL TO 100’ AND ‘Date = beyond 2021’ OR one of them.

After filtering these users, separate emails will be send to them with defined email template.

Any ideas or feedback is very much appreciated.

I didn’t get this ? Could you please brief …

@FLO94 - Here you go…

If condition

For choose 12/31/2021 date, click on the plus sign and choose it as shown below…


My Write Line Output


I have received one email since only one condition satisfied…

Hope this helps…

thank you, the first filter is the status, only approved status will be chosen

then you send email to:

  • Value NOT EQUAL TO 100 ONLY
  • Date = beyond 2021 ONLY
  • OR both Value NOT EQUAL TO 100 AND Date = beyond 2021

hi @FLO94
You mean…something like this…

(* Value NOT EQUAL TO 100 ONLY) OR (* Date = beyond 2021 ONLY) OR * (both Value NOT EQUAL TO 100 AND Date = beyond 2021)

You can play around with the conditions as i showed above…and let us know, if you get stuck …we will be happy to assist

thanks a lot, very useful.

the requirement has changes a little bit and im honestly stuck :slight_smile:
Now i will have 3 records for same user. see below.


I need to send an email if the status of all records is approved, AND
Total Value for three records NOT EQUAL TO 100,

  • Date of any of the record = beyond 2021.
  • OR both Value NOT EQUAL TO 100 AND Date = beyond 2021

in above image, email has to be sent for ID1 (total value not equal to 100 and date beyond 2021) and ID3 (total value not equal to 100).

much appreciated.